Topical Bibliography of Published Works Regarding the Health of Veterans of the Persian Gulf War. Revision 2
Persian Gulf War veteran research has captured national attention. Numerous federal and nonfederal researchers are currently conducting a wide array of investigations into reports of increased morbidity among Persian Gulf War veterans and their families. Due to increasing interest and the need to continue to compile relevant references for the Gulf War veteran investigators, we decided to maintain a master bibliography for Persian Gulf War veteran epidemiological research. The objective of this document is to compile a master bibliography of the Persian Gulf War and related topics for researchers. This document is the second revision of Topical Bibliography of Published Works Regarding the Health of Veterans of the Persian Gulf War, published in late 1995 and included in the Defense Technical Information Center's Gulflink World Wide Web Site. The original version was framed around the National Library of Medicine's Current Bibliographies in Medicine 94-3, a bibliography of the Persian Gulf War and associated topics, prepared by Jacqueline Van de Kamp, M.L. S, Specialized Information Services, National Library of Medicine; and John H. Ferguson, M.D., Office of Medical Applications of Research, National Institutes of Health. We have added considerably to the Van de Kamp-Ferguson work, and continue to monitor for related published works. Recently, we have received assistance in compiling our newspaper and magazine sections from Fdwina Underwood of the Interagency Support Office of the Persian Gulf Veterans Coordinating Board, and from Ulrich Brandenberger (Environmental Protection Unit, Swiss Re Zurich), and OPPT Newsbreak. This document currently lists 2,903 references, divided into 21 categories. Copies of this work may be obtained from the Defense Technical Information