Ecology on CD–ROM is a multimedia complement to the bestselling textbook by the same authors. The CD–ROM consists of 25 Tutorials specially adapted from the chapters of the book and assisted by a diverse collection of media: video clips, animations, photographs and graphic artwork, interactive models and access to seminal texts. In addition, browsing and searching are cleverly facilitated through a searchable Glossary that hyperlinks to relevant Tutorial topics. Media Galleries for seminal texts, images and video give direct access to some of the media items. There are also collections of Interactive Models and Atlases of Terrestrial Biomes and Aquatic Environments. Click on the buttons above to view more about some of the features. 25 Interactive Tutorials: Each chapter of the book has been adapted for multimedia presentation, with the assistance of video clips, animations and more. One Hour of Video: Fifteen leading ecologists contribute their views: Mike Begon, Jim Bull, Margaret Davis, John Harper, John Krebs, John Lawton, Bruce Lewin, Richard Lewontin, Robert May, Jacqueline McGlade, Naomi Pearce, David Raffaelli, Nils Stenseth, David Tilman, Jeff Waage Video ClipsOf Ecological Processes: Examples such as predation and mutualism. Interactive Models: Thirteen interactive models allow the user to explore mathematical models and equations in graphical form. In each model the user is ′walked through′ the various steps and parameters. Topics include: intra– and inter–specific competition, life history, predator–prey dynamics. Third and Second Animations: Animations are used to explain complex ecological processes such as succession, biomagnification and chaotic dynamics. 20 of the more detailed diagrams from the book are animated and explained stepwise with voice–over. Colour Photographs: The CD is richly illustrated with full colour photography and artwork throughout. 36 Printable Seminal Papers:Classics from the development of ecology, which can be printed as facsimiles of the original publication. Each paper is prefaced by a brief abstract to put each paper in a modern context. Searchable Glossary With hyperlinking to Tutorial Topics: A clever way of searching for information, which contains over 400 definitions, with links to related topics in the Tutorials. Biogeography Atlas: Two clickable maps (terrestrial and marine) describe the Earth′s major biomes and aquatic environments. Intuitive Navigation and Online Help.