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Differential Geometry
Differential Geometry
Bundles, connections, metrics and curvature are the 'lingua franca' of modern differential geometry and theoretical physics. This book will supply a graduate student in mathematics or theoretical physics with the fundamentals of these objects. Many of the tools used in differential topology are introduced and the basic results about differentiable manifolds, smooth maps, differential forms, vector fields, Lie groups, and Grassmanians are all presented here. Other material covered includes the basic theorems about geodesics and Jacobi fields, the classification theorem for flat connections, the definition of characteristic classes, and also an introduction to complex and Kähler geometry. Differential Geometry uses many of the classical examples from, and applications of, the subjects it covers, in particular those where closed form expressions are available, to bring abstract ideas to life. Helpfully, proofs are offered for almost all assertions throughout. All of the introductory material is presented in full and this is the only such source with the classical examples presented in detail.
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Differential Geometry
Bundles, connections, metrics and curvature are the lingua franca of modern differential geometry and theoretical physics. Supplying graduate students in mathematics or theoretical physics with the fundamentals of these objects, this book would suit a one-semester course on the subject of bundles and the associated geometry.
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Differential Geometry
Differential Geometry
Bundles, connections, metrics and curvature are the 'lingua franca' of modern differential geometry and theoretical physics. This book will supply a graduate student in mathematics or theoretical physics with the fundamentals of these objects. Many of the tools used in differential topology are introduced and the basic results about differentiable manifolds, smooth maps, differential forms, vector fields, Lie groups, and Grassmanians are all presented here. Other material covered includes the basic theorems about geodesics and Jacobi fields, the classification theorem for flat connections, the definition of characteristic classes, and also an introduction to complex and Kähler geometry. Differential Geometry uses many of the classical examples from, and applications of, the subjects it covers, in particular those where closed form expressions are available, to bring abstract ideas to life. Helpfully, proofs are offered for almost all assertions throughout. All of the introductory material is presented in full and this is the only such source with the classical examples presented in detail.
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Modeling Differential Equations in Biology
Modeling Differential Equations in Biology
Based on a very successful one-semester course taught at Harvard, this text teaches students in the life sciences how to use differential equations to help their research. It needs only a semester's background in calculus. Ideas from linear algebra and partial differential equations that are most useful to the life sciences are introduced as needed, and in the context of life science applications, are drawn from real, published papers. It also teaches students how to recognize when differential equations can help focus research. A course taught with this book can replace the standard course in multivariable calculus that is more usually suited to engineers and physicists.
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Metrics, Connections and Gluing Theorems
Metrics, Connections and Gluing Theorems
In this book, the author's goal is to provide an introduction to some of the analytic underpinnings for the geometry of anti-self duality in 4-dimensions. Anti-self duality is rather special to 4-dimensions and the imposition of this condition on curvatures of connections on vector bundles and on curvatures of Riemannian metrics has resulted in some spectacular mathematics. The book reviews some basic geometry, but it is assumed that the reader has a general background in differential geometry (as would be obtained by reading a standard text on the subject). Some of the fundamental references include Atiyah, Hitchin and Singer, Freed and Uhlenbeck, Donaldson and Kronheimer, and Kronheimer and Mrowka. The last chapter contains open problems and conjectures.
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Modelling Differential Equations in Biology
Modelling Differential Equations in Biology
Given that a college level life science student will take only one additional calculus course after learning its very basics, what material should such a course cover? This book answers that question. It is based on a very successful one-semester course taught at Harvard and aims to teach students in the life sciences understanding the use of differential equations. It is enriched with illustrative examples from real papers. Necessary notions from linear algebra and partial differential equations are introduced as and when needed, and in the context of applications. Drawing on a very successful one-semester course at Harvard, this text aims to teach students in the life sciences how to use differential equations. It is enriched with illustrative examples from real papers. Necessary notions from mathematics are introduced as and when needed, and in the context of applications. Aimed at biologists wishing to understand mathematical modelling rather than just learning math methods.
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