Seeking Our Humanity
Exciting News: Seeking Our Humanity received Honorable Mention Award at the 2020 Paris Book Festival Seeking Our Humanity is an opportunity for humankind to save the Earth from her present precarious condition. Her symptoms are obvious: raging storms, warming oceans, sweeping fires, harmful plastics in our food and water. Global pollution of her lands, seas and skies are abuses that she suffers daily. For millennia, we took Earth for granted and believed that she was impervious to our abuses. Now we finally recognize Earth’s vulnerability. We see the existential crisis our choices have caused and we must face the unthinkable reality that life, as we know it, might well end. Thankfully many are taking action to limit the harm of our material waste by refusing, reducing, reusing and recycling. As we strive to reverse the damage already done, one wonders if there is more we can do to help heal Mother Earth? Indeed there is! Earth’s ill health is rooted in the toxicity of human emotions and actions. This is the harsh truth presented in Seeking Our Humanity. But there is more! This book is filled with hope. As it reveals the problem, it also shows us how to address it! Just as our physical and chemical trash poison Earth’s land, sky and waters, our hatred, anger, violence, and harsh judgment poison her life essence. Although this damage is not visible, nor scientifically measurable, it is no less real and threatening to Earth’s survival and ours. As a gentle man from parts unknown illuminates the problem and the solutions to a group of old friends, the readers of Seeking Out Humanity learn the simple steps that they and all people everywhere can take to help heal the Life Being Earth. Most important, they learn that they, that we, are not alone in this commitment.