Poetry & Performance
Poetry & Performance Volume 1 is a collection of 25 poems by members of the Green Mountain Writers Group based in in Underhill, Vermont. The publication introduces an innovative model of consensus leadership. As a community of writers, we believe that everyone's voice deserves to be heard, and our new leadership model ensures that every member has an equal say in group decisions. Through open communication, active listening, and mutual respect, we work together to reach a consensus that best represents the group as a whole. Our model values collaboration over competition, and fosters a supportive and inclusive environment where each member can thrive. We are excited to showcase this model in action in our first book of poetry. Each member has contributed their unique voice and perspective to create a beautiful and diverse collection of poems. We hope that our book inspires others to embrace consensus leadership in their own communities and organizations, and to celebrate the power of collaboration and inclusivity. This volume would not exist were it not for Darlene Witte, a Canadian poet and educator who envisioned Poetry & Performance, a gathering of minds that began with the intention of coupling the solitary effort of writing poetry with the shared experience of poets presenting their work aloud. Reading the words of a poem from a book is much different than hearing it spoken by the poet. On September 7, 2021, many of the twenty-five members of the Green Mountain Writers Group whose poems are published here, met for the first time to begin sharing their work in regular sessions on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month. Since then, Poetry & Performance has become a popular mainstay for many of us who continue to connect twice a month by way of Meetup and Zoom. Digital technology permits us to gather from around the globe. You are welcome and encouraged to join us online, for readings by a featured poet followed by a round-robin, open mic. Darlene's dedication brings forth the additional emotion that only a performance can reveal. Leading by example, she sets a high bar when sharing her own poems as spoken word. Poetry & Performance meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month to provide a virtual stage where everyone is encouraged to find their voice. You can find us on Meetup.com under Green Mountain Writers Group or GreenMountainWriters.com.