Adult Bible Studies Spring 2021 Student
Winter Theme: Holy This Spring, lessons center around the theme “Holy.” Holy Living These lessons continue a unit we began last quarter on the first Sunday of February. It proceeded through all of February and continues through March. The eight lessons of the unit invite us to think about what it means to be the people of God and to pursue holy living. The four lessons for March help us examine how God defines holiness, how holiness is nourished, what holiness means in terms of sexual morality, and how we ought to pray. Much of this unit overlaps Lent, which is an especially appropriate time to think about holiness. Spiritual Practice: Fasting Scriptures: Leviticus 19:1-37; 1 Peter 2:1-10; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20; Matthew 6:5-18 New in Christ The theme of this unit draws its direction from the Apostle Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 5:17, which is used as the key verse for each lesson. In the first lesson, we look at the resurrection of Jesus, which is the basis for our new creation. Over the remaining three lessons, we consider some of the ways we are new in Christ: we live by new standards, we behave differently, and we allow ourselves to become carriers of the gospel message. Spiritual Practice: Sabbath Scriptures: Luke 24:13-35; 2 Corinthians 5:11-21; Ephesians 4:21-32; 2 Corinthians 4:7-20 God Revealed This five-lesson unit explores some of the ways God has revealed God’s self in the biblical account. These include self-declaration, quietness, through Jesus, visions, and love. God is not limited to these avenues of expression, of course, but the lessons helps us grasp some of the scope of the ways God comes to us. Spiritual Practices: Praise, thanksgiving, and song Scriptures: Exodus 33:12-23; 34:5-8; 1 Kings 19:9-18; Luke 9:28-36; Daniel 7:1-14; 1 John 4:7-21 Hundreds of thousands of people each week have transformative encounters with God through Adult Bible Studies—Bible-based, Christ-focused Sunday school lessons and midweek Bible studies endorsed by the Curriculum Resources Committee of The United Methodist Church. In fall 2019, based on feedback from hundreds of readers, we made exciting changes designed to benefit Bible study groups. For 2020, in response to additional feedback, we are reintroducing printed focal Bible passages in both the Student and Teacher books. Lessons follow the church seasons, including Advent and Lent, and include suggestions for developing spiritual practices to help nurture your faith. Published quarterly, each week's Student Book lesson lists background Scripture, features key verses, provides reliable and relevant biblical explanation and application, and more, in a readable font size that is accessible to everyone. Visit and sign up for the FREE weekly newsletter to automatically receive the FREE Current Events Supplement and other information about these resources and more!