Double Crossed
Meet Security Agent Jones. A double agent who isn't! Confused? So is he. In the year Security Agent Jones had been working for Garrett Investigations for close to a year, he finds and makes good friends. And a possible lover, who could feasibly have Jones killed. Maggie Carrington is wheelchair bound after being, shot her in the back by her brother. Determined she works hard in physical therapy and with her friends help, Maggie pulls off the ultimate surprise for the man she loves. Everyone knows that time jumps aren't exactly the best way to travel, but Jones has no choice and must obey his Master. So when paranormal activities, common with time jumping, rise from the depths of evil and take over, Jones learns real fast that things aren't what they seem and the beginning of the end is nigh and apparent. Who will win this twisted war? Jones and the agents of GIB, the mysterious madman, or an ancient mythical creature dredged up from its centuries long confinement?