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Our book on nominalizations in Quechua summarizes the work we have carried out on. this language over the last ten years. We are happy to offer it as a contribution to linguistic theory. For their interest, friendship and patience, we thank the numerous Quechua speakers who gave us access to their language, making it possible for us to reach an understanding of it which led us to writing this book. More specifically we would like to thank our Cuzco informants who contributed directly in the estab lishment of the data base on which our analyses are built: Angelica and Justo Leon Baca, Evaristo Vasquez, Felix Mamani, Jose Rodriguez, Lita Cancino Chac6n, Mercedes Ordonez Calder6n, Carlos Quispe Centeno. We want to thank students and colleagues in Amherst, Amsterdam, Cam bridge, Lima, Montreal, and Tilburg for fruitful discussions on several of the issues raised in this book; particularly, Hans den Besten, Reineke Bok-Bennema, Dan Finer, Anneke Groos, Ken Hale, Simon van de Kerke, Jaklin Kornfilt, James Pustejovsky, Felix Quesada, Henk van Riemsdijk, Tom Roeper, Gustavo Solis, Edwin Williams and the students of the seminar on nominalizations (UQAM, Fall 1983).