Promoting Multi-modal Transit
With the recent passage of several initiatives, the Puget Sound region has introduced plans to improve the transit system with the introduction of light rail and bus rapid transit. Within the framework established by these initiatives, this thesis focuses on joint development of a site devoted to transit uses. The dual goal of this thesis was first, to develop a design for a specific site, and second, demonstrate the feasibility of similar transit-related development on similar sites elsewhere in the region. The first step in the development of the thesis was selection of a site. The prerequisites for site selection included: access to two or more modes of transit, include strong ties to the bicycle network, and likely feasibility for redevelopment. After cursory research, four sites were selected for further investigation: the Edmonds Ferry Terminal, the Mukilteo Ferry Terminal, the Aurora Village Transit Center, and the Shoreline Park-and-Ride. This thesis focuses on the Shoreline Park-and-Ride as the design developed on this site is likely adaptable to other suburban sites. The city of Shoreline is undergoing immense change, and has recently approved several master plans that address the pedestrian realm, promote dense development, improve the bicycle network and create green infrastructure plan. The Shoreline Park-and-Ride is located within the purview of these master plans and offers the potential to implement many of the strategies included in the Shoreline planning. This thesis examines the adaptation of the Shoreline park-and-ride into a dense, multi-modal hub for the emerging urban center of Shoreline. This area developed primarily after WW-II as an auto-oriented suburb typical throughout the United States. The primary challenges this thesis addresses have been: to create a transit center that caters users and residents; to promote multi-modal use; to address environmental concerns; to extend the time of use outside of peak transit hours; and to respond in a realistic way to the likely future of locations like this that will rely on bus transit. The major elements include a bus terminal, a parking garage, a bike-and-ride center, and commercial development. The site is located on the south east corner of North 192nd Street and Aurora Avenue. Although it is located on Aurora Avenue, the site is situated adjacent to a fine-grained residential fabric and is in close proximity to the Interurban Trail accessed from N. 192nd Street. The site is approximately 375 feet by 725 feet, with an area of 5.7 acres. The site is currently a paved 400-car parking lot and is basin shaped in section. There is a large change in topography from the rising 24 feet from the north east corner to the south east corner. 75% of the site is covered by impermeable surfaces. With the merging of the Aurora Village Transit Center, the bus terminal would serve 12 Metro and Community Transit bus routes with a current ridership of 4,000 passengers on weekdays. The site introduces natural elements into the starkly paved parking lot, and creates views of these elements from Aurora Avenue. The bus terminal is located at the north end of the site where topography is most level. The parking garage is located in the south portion of the site to take advantage of the grade change which provides an extra level of parking without the need for excavation. The parking garage contains approximately 400 spaces, which maintains the existing surface parking capacity. By spacing these major program elements apart, it creates a pedestrian linkage that can spur activity on the site. The program is divided into smaller buildings with retail, commercial, and office uses that frame the rain garden and provide a linkage from the parking to the bus bays. The buildings create a streetwall along Aurora Avenue with openings to create view access through the site. The linkage between the bus terminal and parking garage has been developed into an arcade to foster activity. The bike-and-ride is located next to the bus terminal to provide ease of mode switching and to connect with the Interurban Trail form North 192nd Street. The program was developed to extend time of use outside peak transit time, and to provide amenities for the neighborhood. The Plaza Level includes the passenger drop-off area, the bus terminal, water play area, and rain garden. The lower arcade opens to the rain garden and provides an area for a farmer's market. The amphitheater would accommodate community activities. The program elements on this level include a small grocery store, a community center with adjacent garden plots, bicycle repair adjacent to the bicycle and ride, and driver's operations center accessed from the bus terminal. The second level contains the upper arcade between the parking garage and bus terminal. This level is primarily retail, but also contains a daycare with adjacent outdoor play area. The upper levels contain office space and a gym. The buildings have vegetated roofs to mediate storm water and the parking garage roof has a photovoltaic array. The proposed development provides 90,000SF of commercial and office space, increases bicycle parking to 220 spaces, and creates 20,00 SF of green roof and 32,000 SF of photovoltaic array, all while maintaining parking capacity and reducing impermeable surface by 5%. This thesis is a specific case study demonstrating one possibility of using existing park-and-ride site for denser levels of development. With the new development master plans, Aurora Avenue will become a more mixed-use street. While this project is designed for this specific site, it can be applicable and could serve as a model in suburban locations where high capacity transit modes, particularly bus transit, are being introduced.