Growing Up Global: What a TCK's Life is Like
All these missionary and pastorsʼ kids come from dedicated Christian families. They are taking a great risk in sharing about their lives, even imperfections about themselves and parents. Yet Godʼs glory is not jeopardized by human imperfections. Like many psalms in the Bible, these genuine stories will leave us with the conviction that God is even more real than ever. Matthew Mok, Senior Pastor of Shepherd International Church I am deeply touched by each young writer’s courage, perseverance and their positive attitude toward life. As you hold this book in your hand, please bless each of them as you read their stories. They surely are arrows in God’s quiver, and trail blazers for the next stage of world missions. Titus Loong, Director of Wecare Center I’ve known Cindy since she was a very little girl. To see her put these stories into print is a great pleasure. She certainly knows the world of MK’s from the inside. She is continuing the legacy her parents passed down to her in the world of missions. I know the readers will treasure the insights and wisdom of this collection of stories! Judy Long, The Evangelical Alliance Mission As a missionary parent who has raised three TCK’s, I appreciate what it means for them to come to terms with who they are. Growing Up Global, gives them a voice and helps them to know that they are not alone or strange. In fact, TCK’s understand the world from a global perspective and can be a key to missions, companies and even governments who have to operate in our interconnected world. Rich Johnson, World Venture Cindy not only made it possible for these TCKs to express their reflections on their journeys, she also let their parents and other Christian readers read between the lines, and be reminded that God has not abandoned those who have so faithfully served Him. God Himself has shepherded these children, led them through thick and thin, and brought them out of confusion into strength and maturity. Raymond Lo, Executive Director, FEBC HK