Ornament as Art
The Drutt Collection , encompassing 800 jewellery objects and drawings by more than 170 world-famous artists from 1963 to the present, documents the profound changes that have taken place since the 1960s in the way jewellery is perceived. At that time artists broke with the conventional jewellery tradition to view their works in the broader context of overall movements in painting, sculpture and architecture. By then what counted was artistic intention rather than the market value of the materials used. This publication shows the collection as a whole, with each piece illustrated, and a selection of over 200 objects presented in large-scale illustrations and extensively analysed by Cindi Strauss, curator of contemporary applied arts and design at the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston. In addition, the author demonstrates the linkage of contemporary jewellery and modern art in an essay on the subject. Further, a detailed chronological history of contemporary jewellery and artist biographies provide invaluable information. Helen Williams Drutt founded the celebrated Helen Drutt Gallery in Philadelphia, which specialised in contemporary jewellery and ceramics. She lectures worldwide, has received several awards and is the author of numerous publications. She is indeed an important mediatrix of culture. Artists include: Gijs Bakker, Manfred Bischoff, Claus Bury, Peter Chang, Arline Fisch, William Harper, Yasuki Hiramatsu, Hermann Jünger, Otto Künzli, Stanley Lechtzin, Fritz Maierhofer, Bruno Martinazzi, Breon O'Casey, Pavel Opocenský, Albert Paley, Wendy Ramshaw, Marjorie Schick, Bernhard Schobinger, Olaf Skoogfors, Peter Skubic, Robert Smit, Emmy van Leersum, Tone Vigeland, David Watkins Exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX, USA, from 23 September 2007 to 21 January 2008, travelling to Washington D.C., and Tacoma, WA. Also available: Gijs Bakker and Jewelry ISBN 9783897902237 £35.00 Elegant Fantasy: The Jewelry of Arline Fisch ISBN 9783925369018 £35.00 Fritz Maierhofer: Jewellery and More! ISBN 9783897902459 45.00 Bruno Martinazzi: Jewellery and Myth ISBN 9783897902602 £25.00 Bernhard Schobinger: Jewels Now! ISBN 9783897901834 £45.00 Peter Skubic: Between ISBN 9783897901568 £45.00 Tone Vigeland: Jewellery + Sculpture ISBN 9783897901858 £45.00