A Daily Walk with Lewis and Clark - 1806
This is the third of three volumes in a series of booksthat provide daily entries from the journals of Lewis & Clark for the year 1806.To celebrate the Bicentennial of the Lewis & Clark Expedition, we invite you to enjoy daily entries taken from their journals, abridged to include the most exciting portions of their great exploration. This is a must for every home, classroom, and desktop. Lewis & Clark were not just two men who wandered out west. This Expedition was planned by President Thomas Jefferson and funded by Congress. It was an exploration by a team of 45 men, 1 woman, and a baby, with the most sophisticated equipment of their day, including a 55 specially built keelboat, led by the qualified experts, Captain Meriwether Lewis & Captain William Clark. Their expedition ventured 8,000 miles from St. Louis to the Pacific Ocean and back across a land unknown to all but the Indians. You will love the drama, the exact history they recorded, and the heroic & tender stories of Sacajawea. Take A Daily Walk With Lewis & Clark and participate in the adventure and excitement of the early history of the U.S. Here you will find true courage, heroism, kindness, gratitude, commitment and humility. There are 3 volumes, one for each year they were out, 1804, 1805 & 1806. Each book in this set is spiral bound at the top with a built-in desk stand to make it easy to display on a desktop, countertop or dinner table. Each book is only 41⁄2 x 51⁄2. The determination and good fortune of Lewis & Clark, along with their party of skilled people, carved a place in the history books of the United States and in the hearts of people for centuries to come. Among their many accomplishments are the following:They traveled 8,000 miles across an unknown territory and safely back home having faced tremendous dangers.They recorded more than 3,000 pages of detailed descriptions of their experiences with people, plants, animals, geology, geography, astronomical observations and many other forms of pertinent information, much of which was unknown to the world at the time.They discovered and documented scores of plants and animals that were not then known to the civilized world.They ventured among countless Indians, not knowing beforehand the reception of each tribe. In most cases, their generous nature allowed them to make loyal friends with the Indians.They learned how to survive with little or no food, in conditions that ranged from sweltering, humid and mosquito filled air, to bitter cold, windy conditions laden with heavy snowsTime and again, they showed their resourcefulness as they produced salt, designed and built various forms of watercraft, made use of the major parts of game they hunted, communicated with Indians who had never spoken their language, recorded with great accuracy, the latitudes and longitudes of numerous locations and much more.One of their main goals was to meet with the Indians and promote peace among the tribes as well as to inform the Indians of the care and concern the President of the United States had for them and their tribes.Sacajawea, the Indian woman, actually gave birth to a baby in what is now North Dakota and carried him to the Pacific Ocean and safely back again.After having read of their experiences, you might wonder how they could have endured all that they did and still have taken time to record their every detail. Their tireless efforts resulted in an enormous amount of written information that is available today. We have abridged their journals to enable you in your busy life to take A Daily Walk With Lewis & Clark. This effort simplifies their writings into short, small, daily entries, and can help people of all ages gain a vivid understanding and appreciation of the magnanimous work by those great men, one woman and a baby of two centuries ago. Enjoy!