Babylon 5 Scripts - Other Voices (Vol 1 of 3) - Babylon 5 Scripts Not by J. Michael Straczynski
Table of Contents and Index available FREE at* "Born to the Purple" by Larry DiTillio* "The War Prayer" by D.C. Fontana* "DeathWalker" by Larry DiTillio* "Believers" by David Gerrold* "Survivors" by Marc Scott Zicree* "Grail" by Christy MarxFEATURING* An introduction/commentary on each episode by the script writers, written exclusively for this volume, revealing how the stories came to be, why these writers made the choices they did, what it was like to write for the Babylon 5 universe, and, most important, what you didn't see* Never-before-seen dialogue and action that were later cut from the episodes* A Script/DVD Variations inventory, which catalogues all the changes, deletions, additions and extras that were in the script but you never actually got to see in the final episodes* David Gerrold's complete outline for "Laser-Mirror-Starweb," a never-produced, never-seen episode of Babylon 5* Four photos from Christy Marx's private collection, taken during the filming of "Grail"STORIES INCLUDE* Why "dust" was originally introduced in "Born to the Purple," but then taken out* What novel inspired Garibaldi's cat and mouse game with Ivanova in "Born to the Purple"* The identity of Londo's real alter-ego* What mistake was made in "Born to the Purple" that was corrected in "TKO"* Which character originally had six gill-like slots at the base of their back* Revealed - the real reason the Romeo and Juliet lovers appear in "The War Prayer"* Why DeathWalker is female* Who was originally supposed to play Abbutt in "DeathWalker"* Why, while writing "Believers," David Gerrold called J. Michael Straczynski in the middle of the night to tell him "You son of a bitch"* What Andreas Katsulas confided to writer Marc Scott Zicree* Why the director of "Grail" spent most of his time fuming during the filmingRetired Date: September 30, 2008Discover why Babylon 5 will never be available on Blu-ray at