Early Medieval (late 5th - Early 8th Centuries AD) Cemeteries at Boss Hall and Buttermarket, Ipswich, Suffolk
This monograph discusses two burial sites of the 5th to the 8th centuries excavated by Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service near Ipswich, at Boss Hall Industrial Estate in 1990 and 2001, and at St Stephen's Lane and Buttermarket in advance of redevelopment in 1987-88. Further burials found at Elm Street and Foundation Street are published in the appendix. The report is in three main parts. The first two are conventionally structured reports on the cemeteries including a summary of the excavation, the site sequence, full grave catalogues, scientific and technical analyses, and discussions of chronology, material culture, cultural practice and demography. The discussion on the dating of the St Stephen's Lane/Buttermarket graves takes advantage of the latest developments in high-precision radiocarbon dating. The final section is a synthetic discussion which takes a comparative view and establishes the local, regional and wider context of the sites.