Need to Lead
‘Need to Lead’ provides an invaluable reference point for senior executives or those striving towards a successful cross-border career, to understand how cultural differences impact upon leadership styles and practices. Each semester, we publish a report on our quantitative survey-based global study, alongside our review of extant in-country leadership literature, preferably written by local scholars and professionals in their native language. Moreover, we attempt to empirically validate these findings by conducting expert interviews with native specialists. This new issue of our ongoing leadership series presents country-specific analyses of culturally endorsed leadership practices and styles in the following countries or regions: Basque country, Cameroon, China PRC, Colombia, Croatia, Fiji, Kazakhstan, Panamá, Perú, Poland, Romania, Thailand and Uzbekistan. This publication contains contributions from around 124 researchers from 24 countries who participated in the Cross-Cultural Business Skills elective offered by the Part-time Academy of the Faculty of Business and Economics at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA). The following authors contributed: Aaron William, Aart Reijn, Adil Fkyerat, Ahmed Machto, Alex Basmaci, Ali Atilgan, Amber Hazebroek, Anastasija Spirovska (Анастасија Спировска), Ander Roteta Unceta-Barrenechea, Andrea Nicole Chumpitazi Vidal, Angel van Blaaderen, Annelot van Dommele, Antonina Tsanevska (Антонина Цаневска), Astrid Bons, Bart Koper, Bary Yvo, Bastiaan Rethmeier, Berber Kok, Bob Groot, Brandy Masamba, Buraçcan Cellatoğlu, Chacaya Zwaaneveld, Chanel Pinas, Chanel Bosch, Ciovanni van de Groep, Daantje Meurs, Dani Brink, Daniel Lopes Figueiredo, Daniël Emanuels, Daniëlle Verlaan, Darryl Oppong-Kyeremeh, Devon Posthouwer, Di-annah Seck, Dimas Sarkam, Eleonora Kyoseva (Елеонора Кьосева), Eliass Battoui, Enrique Beukers, Erva Semen, Esmee Wong, Floor van Empelen, Giorgio Sancipriani, Glenn Zonderop, Guido Struijvé, Hedda Smith, Ikram Ammy Driss, Iliaas Abdoelrahman, Isa van Delft, Ivo Botterweck, Iwan de la Fosse, Jairo Diaz Ballesteros, Jasmijn Roeper, Jason Achthoven, Jeroen Godee, Jessy Mitrasing, Joep van den Heuvel, Jon Villafranca Alonso, Joppe Gales, Josipa Cirkveni, Justin Imansoeradi, Kamila Izinicka, Klaudia Rubacha, Laura Marell, Liam Riethorst, Margriet Botman, Marie-Hélène Geisler, Marilène Hoekstra, Marisa Alberda, Marleen van der Lingen, Márton Belovai, Mehdi El Farhouni, Mert Can, Moaz Elrokh, Mustafa Bakhsh, Nam Doan, , Nguyễn Hoàng Hiếu, Nguyễn Thế Hoàng, Nikayla Koeiman, Noah Hofmeester, Nora Ruijpers, Owen Slaghuis, Parteek Chhibber, Raffaele Tartaglione, Ramazan Erçelik, Raquel Gomez Nunez, Rayen Jaggoe, Rida El Haddouti, Romée Caprino, Roos de Boer, Ryan Timmers, Sara Huegun Iturrioz, Saruta Wantum, Seline Leenders, Shahed Sagheer, Shaniss Nyamoto, Sheher Anwar, Sheryl Sodijana, Shiella Valmeo, Sophie Noorman, Stijn van Beugen, Tamara Ruiz del Arbol, Teun Meijer, Teun Kloosterboer, Thijn van Well, Thijs van Muiswinkel, Thimo Hoorn, Tjebbiene Botter, Tom Bernard, Tuleen Al Samkari, Umar Quta, Wanda Needham, Wessam Dowaah, Yoon Fong Chong, Zakaria Jbari, Zev van der Geest and Zhaohan Zhang (张兆涵). Editorial managers: Christopher Higgins and Sander Schroevers, bibliographic and citations editor: Aynur Doğan.