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Churchill and Sea Power
Churchill and Sea Power
This book is the first major study of Winston Churchill's record as a naval strategist and his impact as the most prominent guardian of Britain's sea power in the modern era. The book debunks many popular and well-entrenched myths surrounding controversial episodes in both World Wars, including the Dardanelles disaster, the Norwegian Campaign, the Battle of the Atlantic, and the devastating loss of the Prince of Wales and Repulse in 1941. It shows that many common criticisms of Churchill have been exaggerated, but also that some of his mistakes have been largely overlooked. The book also examines Churchill's evolution as a maritime strategist over the course of his career, and documents his critical part in managing Britain's naval decline during the first half of the twentieth century. Churchill's genuine affection for the Royal Navy has often distracted attention from the fact that his views on sea power were pragmatic and unsentimental. For, as Christopher M. Bell shows, in a period dominated by declining resources, global threats, and rapid technological change, it was increasingly air rather than sea power that Churchill looked to as the foundation of Britain's security.
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Churchill and the Dardanelles
Churchill and the Dardanelles
The story of the highly controversial First World War campaign that nearly destroyed Churchill's reputation for good and of his decades-long battle to set the record straight--a battle which ultimately helped clear the way for Churchill's appointment as Prime Minister in Britain's "darkest hour."
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Particulate Interactions in Dry Powder Formulation for Inhalation
Particulate Interactions in Dry Powder Formulation for Inhalation
Interactions between drug particulates are crucial in determining drug dispersion and deaggregation, and ultimately delivery efficiency. This book combines principles established in surface and colloidal chemistry with pharmaceutical powder technology. It discusses some of the factors affecting particulate interactions, and particle-fluid interaction in the respiratory tract. It review some of the studies carried out in dry powder formulation development, and proposes possible strategies in improving DPI efficiency. The majority of these principles are applicable to other pharmaceutical solid dosage forms (e.g. tablets and capsules).
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Constructions of Feminine Identity in the Catholic Tradition
Constructions of Feminine Identity in the Catholic Tradition
Christopher M. Flavin examines the ways in which late classical medieval women’s writings serve as a means of emphasizing both faith and social identity within a distinctly Christian, and later Catholic, tradition, which remains a major part of the understanding of faith and the self. Flavin focuses on key texts from the lives of desert saints and the Passio Perpetua to the autobiographies of Counter-Reformation women like Teresa of Ávila to illustrate the connections between the self and the divine.
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The Shapwick Project, Somerset
The Shapwick Project, Somerset
This book provides an introduction to the Shapwick Project's objectives, geographical background and previous work in the Somerset. It deals with excavations in the outlying parish and focuses on work in the village at Shapwick House.
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Between Citizens and the State
Between Citizens and the State
This book tracks the dramatic outcomes of the federal government's growing involvement in higher education between World War I and the 1970s, and the conservative backlash against that involvement from the 1980s onward. Using cutting-edge analysis, Christopher Loss recovers higher education's central importance to the larger social and political history of the United States in the twentieth century, and chronicles its transformation into a key mediating institution between citizens and the state. Framed around the three major federal higher education policies of the twentieth century--the 1944 GI Bill, the 1958 National Defense Education Act, and the 1965 Higher Education Act--the book charts the federal government's various efforts to deploy education to ready citizens for the national, bureaucratized, and increasingly global world in which they lived. Loss details the myriad ways in which academic leaders and students shaped, and were shaped by, the state's shifting political agenda as it moved from a preoccupation with economic security during the Great Depression, to national security during World War II and the Cold War, to securing the rights of African Americans, women, and other previously marginalized groups during the 1960s and '70s. Along the way, Loss reappraises the origins of higher education's current-day diversity regime, the growth of identity group politics, and the privatization of citizenship at the close of the twentieth century. At a time when people's faith in government and higher education is being sorely tested, this book sheds new light on the close relations between American higher education and politics.
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Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers
Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers
Find new gardening inspiration with this compelling updated encyclopedia for all gardening enthusiasts! Achieve that beautiful garden oasis you’ve always dreamed of, and find endless inspiration and guidance for your garden to thrive with this gardening guide! This fully comprehensive yet easy-to-use informative planting guide is what every gardener needs on their bookshelf. Here’s what you’ll find inside: • A photographic catalog of 4,000 plants and flowers grouped by type, size, then color, allowing readers to browse and find the best plants for their garden • A detailed “Plant Dictionary” describes more than 8,000 species and varieties, and their ideal growing conditions • In the Introduction, a “Plant Selector” section lists ideal plants for particular growing conditions, like coastal areas, shady spots and different soil types • Fully updated text from garden plant specialists, with more than 1,380 new plants added, including the latest and most popular cultivars Discover perennials, bulbs, shrubs, trees, succulents and ornamental shrubs, all showcased in beautiful, full-color photography to help elevate your garden to the next level. Use the extensive plant dictionary to look up more than 8,000 plant varieties and the best growing conditions. Written by a team of more than 15 top horticultural specialists under the guidance of internationally renowned gardener and botanist Christopher Brickell, this gardening encyclopedia appeals to all levels of gardeners and continually inspires with achievable garden ideas. This informative yet inspirational book about gardening will appeal to beginners or more experienced gardeners interested in the latest cultivars and horticultural advice.
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The Woman Saint in Spanish Golden Age Drama
The Woman Saint in Spanish Golden Age Drama
Some writers present her as a representative of the symbolic order: invested with sacred powers and ultimate authority, she rebukes transgressors and negotiates their return to God's grace and lawful society."--Jacket.
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