Getting Through to God in Prayer
Christ is the perfect role model for connecting with God in prayer. While on earth, Christ demonstrated an extraordinary prayer life (Matt.14:23, 26:36; Mark 1:35; Luke 5:16, 6:12. 9:18; John 6:15). Christ commands believers to pray continuously, persistently, and expectantly (Matt. 21:22; Luke 11:1-4). The Apostle Peter indicates Christ "suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth"(1 Pet. 2:21-22). In following Christ's example, believers should walk as He walked (1 John 2:6), love as He loved (John 13:35) and think as He thought (Phil. 2:5). Believers should be steadfast in praying for themselves and others. They should "Pray without ceasing" (1 Thess. 5:17). God promises to hear and answer prayer. For this to occur, union with Christ is required and His example followed. Believers should pray in the character and name of Christ. Prayers should be unselfish and focus on accomplishing God's will and purpose (Luke 22:42).In addition to examining Christ's prayer life, this book, Getting Through to God in Prayer, observes aspects of the prayer life of Job, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Elijah, Nehemiah and other believers. These followers connected with God and received answers to their prayer requests. Though prayer, they were delivered, energized, and prevented from becoming discouraged, distracted, or anxious about life's situations and circumstances. To connect with God in prayer, believers today should demonstrate the faith and commitment to prayer exhibited by earlier saints. They should be studied and imitated by Christians today to strengthen their own individual prayer lives. Examining how God answered the prayer requests of Old and New Testament believers will provide saints today with hope, confidence, and faith in Him in their own Christian journey.