The Story of Life
“Creator, do you have a family?” said my youngest. And he answered! Thus began our healing through awareness with Mina (how we address the human person—God—who built our universe), the archangels, and many others in spirit world. Our explosive conversation over the next 18 hours revealed God, angels, humanity, why we are as we are, and our universe as never before imagined. Spirit mediums Christopher McKeon and his daughters Ayako and El shatter the paradigms and magical thinking handed down to us through history by religion, philosophy, mysticism, and science. Experience, as we did, healing of your trauma, pain, and suffering through gaining awareness of your true reality. Included are ten historical spirit persons who give short testimonies of their experiences to help explain certain aspects of our—your—life reality. You'll never feel the same, or look at the world around you the way you did, as your awareness takes flight from unawareness with new wings on new winds. Be prepared for a story of life like nothing you've ever experienced. Best of all, you'll learn how you, too, can talk to Mina, 'angels,' your spirit family and guides, and willing spirit persons to get your own answers (without having to take ours on faith) as a ground-floor participant in the nascent worldwide energy testing community! For Mina, this book is all about healing your pain and suffering by revealing our personal, and larger, human reality. You'll find it all inside. A chapter summary: Part I is a narrative of our experience discovering energy testing and our shocking meet-up with our ‘creator;’ Part II describes how you and our universe are infinite and eternal as existence, time, space, and consciousness, including: —an overview regarding our true natural reality: matter, energy, gravity, mass, lightspeed (normal and actual), relativity and the quantum, black holes, the Big Bang, quantum entanglement/tunneling, how the natural universe interacts with the supranatural (spirit) universe; —what is All Existence of which our universe is a part; —all about consciousness (psyche) and how our physical body interacts with our spirit body; —‘psyche fundamental force’ (Intentionality); —and culture as the individual; Part III describes the origin of humanity and includes: —the birth of humanity; —who and what our creator is —how our universe came to be our home —why human life seems destructive and filled with pain and suffering; Part IV is the real ‘woo-woo’ of the book and includes: —how we exist and live as physicospirit-embodied individuals; —our mind, conscience, PTSD; —killing, abortion, euthanasia, suicide; —lineage and DNA; —what happens at death; —fate, destiny, and free will; —suffering, hope, depression, reincarnation, and the origin of slavery; —happiness, love and hate; —government and society; —evil; —beauty and ugliness; —spirit world; —the chakras and aura as they really are and what they do; —Intentionality; —who and what ‘angels’ really are; —history of Earth’s humanity and radiometric dating; —our physicospirit self; —religion; —what is healing, how to heal; —human freedom; —astral projection, the Akashic Records; —marriage, sex; —animal familials; —ten historical spirit persons' testimony: Duke Wen of Zhou, Hitler, Hannibal Gisco, Mio, Mnidho of Nihoa, Tethys, Jesus, Sun-myung Moon, Muhammad, Buddha; Part V teaches you energy testing so you can learn how to talk to Mina (God), 'angels,' your spirit family, spirit guides, and any willing spirit person to get your own answers to life.