The New Trinity
"The New Trinity is the marriage of a man and a woman..." So starts the author's treatise on the Trinity covering the subjects: Creation, The Fall, Grace, The Messiah, The Virgin Birth, Death and Resurrection, Salvation and Redemption, The Holy Spirit, the Second Coming, Prayer and Faith, and Eternal Life. "Creation is the moment-by-moment interchange/outcome between man and woman. To say, 'In the beginning God created' is to say that from the unity Father-Mother divide, or that from the seed of male deposited into the womb of female comes the next birth of individuality. This universe is a creating one, not a created one. There isn't any beginning nor is there an ending. There is only life..." The New Trinity Author Bio: Christopher Alan Anderson (1950 - ) received the basis of his education from the University of Science and Philosophy, Swannanoa, Waynesboro, Virginia. He resides in the transcendental/romantic tradition, that vein of spiritual creativity of the philosopher and poet. His quest has been to define and express an eternal romantic reality from which a man and a woman could together stand in their difference and create a living universe of procreative love. Mr. Anderson began these writings in 1971. The first writings were published in 1985. On a personal note, when Mr. Anderson was asked to describe the writings and what he felt their message was he responded, "Spiritual procreation. Mankind has yet to distinguish the two sexes on the spiritual level. In this failure lies the root of our problems and why we cannot yet touch the eternal together. The message of man and woman balance brings each of us together in love with our eternal other half right now." keywords: Creation, God, The Trinity, Man And Woman, Birth, Life, Salvation, Eternal Life