Smart Grid Dictionary
The Smart Grid covers a wide range of technologies, policies, standards, and stakeholders. It is difficult to stay current with all of the acronyms, organizations, and terminology used in this dynamic and fascinating sector. The Smart Grid Dictionary 5th Edition can help you decipher acronyms and understand highly technical terms with easy to understand definitions. The Smart Grid Dictionary 5th Edition contains over 2,200 entries that cover - electric, gas, and water utility terminology - Smart Grid, M2M, and IoT acronyms used around the world - cybersecurity and data privacy - distributed energy resources, energy storage, and microgrids - home and building management and energy efficiency - global standards and policies - regulatory agencies and standards development organizations - website addresses for convenient additional research The concise, business-oriented and technology-agnostic definitions are reviewed by an Advisory Board of industry leaders. The Smart Grid Dictionary is a convenient and trusted resource for technical and non-technical readers who need explanations of jargon, acronyms, and organizations focused on the global Smart Grid, smart cities, M2M and the Internet of Things. Whether you are an electric, gas, or water utility industry veteran, an engineering or public policy student, a regulatory staffer, a new hire or professional transitioning careers, the Smart Grid Dictionary will be an invaluable asset to help you understand trends, recognize key stakeholders, and determine your participation in the Smart Grid, M2M, and IoT business sectors.