The ABC's of Grief
The ABC's of Grief: A Handbook for Survivors meets bereaved persons wherever they might be in the grieving process, providing snatches of meaning, hope, empathy, and understanding. The handbook is a product of the author's own passage and includes materials collected over a three-year period of the grieving process. Confronting her loss, Christine Adams found that it was all right to grieve at her own pace; one day at a time, one thought, word, and letter at a time, she grew and healed. The handbook's alphabetical format allows readers, or group leaders to focus on any aspect of grief that suite them. If a reader becomes absorbed in "anger" or "anxiety," he or she can go back to reread those parts of the handbook and with each visit will find some new realization and meaning. Every section contains appropriate quotations, stories, and poems, written by survivors who found solace in writing. Intended Audience: Counselors, therapists, social workers, and clergy will find ABC's of Grief of tremendous value to their clients. In addition, every hospice would benefit by having a copy of the handbook in their library.