Uncovering the Strength Within
Christina Houfek's Uncovering the Strength Within is an inspired, guided journey that unpacks life's inevitable baggage in a way that makes the discomfort tolerable and happiness attainable. Houfek offers an enlightening re-interpretation of ancient yogic traditions for the western audience. Written in a conversational style that inspires trust, Houfek weaves modern science, spiritual concepts, pop culture, and humor to help the reader explore and achieve contentment in a post-pandemic world. She walks readers through understanding their true self, shares ways to embrace what is, and demonstrates how to embrace inner strength to overcome obstacles blocking the path to contentment. Her fresh model introduces the reader to back door hackers, the R.A.W. (regret, acceptance, and worry) scale, distraction mode, and our internal navigation system or G.P.S. In the first section, Me, Myself, and I, Houfek creates a framework of the self comprised of the me you see, the idea of me, and the me that is. She introduces the Architect, Critic, and Witness as critical influencers to how we see and understand who we really are. This exploration of the self helps the reader understand the ways in which they integrate life's experiences to inform their self-perception, create and adorn emotional armor, and hide from uncomfortable truths. The following section, Land Ho! Navigating Life's Uncertain Seas, walks the reader through the mental models, cognitive biases, and experiences that have great potential to influence decision making. In, When Fear is My Copilot, the reader explores the ways emotions, in particular fear, impact how they perceive the world and give away their power. The Kingdom of Make Believe, provides the reader with the tools to stay in the present moment and avoid being dragged into the tempting world of what was or what might be-where regret and worry reign supreme. Sprinkled throughout these sections are "Pause, Reflect, and Record" activities which transition to "Blooming Practices" with Blooming Where You're Planted. In this section the reader learns about the ways in which we feel stuck in the mud, how we refuel our tanks, and the necessity of muddy water. In the final section, Cultivating Your Blooms, Houfek brings all the lessons peppered throughout the book together and offers the reader the recipe for blooming brightly and living an empowered and contented life. This mindful exploration is intended to be at the pace of the readers' growth. To get the full benefit of the activities, the reader is encouraged to take the time to sit with the questions and allow space for honest thought. Readers are empowered to go back and re-visit sections, and to find the pause when they need to sit with the newfound knowledge. Instead of a quick fix, Uncovering the Strength Within ̧ offers the reader a new way of thinking that in turn becomes a long-term shift in perspective. Relying on the tenants of compassion and acceptance this book offers readers a glimpse into the ancient practice of mind, body, and spiritual alignment. The power to live a contented life is ours, always.