Do you ever wonder why it seems that no matter what you do, you just can't get it together? You fix one aspect in your life only to run right into something else? You have tried and tried but just can't get free? Despite all this, there is hope. Luke 17;6 (KJV): "And the Lord said, if ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou uprooted and planted in the sea; and it would obey you!" What roots have been planted in you? Throughout our lives, we have had many things take root in us, growing into unwanted, rotten fruit. The sycamine tree flourishes in a dry climate and has roots that reach far into the earth. Bitter roots flourish wonderfully in a dry spiritual climate as the roots reach the deepest part in a person and feeds off the polluted water source within us. Addiction, cursing, bitterness, incompetence, and depression, all were fruit in my life at one time. Come join me in getting to the root of our issues. Let's seek the Lord and get our healing, as we are transformed by the renewing of our minds by putting on the mind of Christ. God wants us to be healed, whole, and rooted and established in love. Roots is the first book in the Raising Daisies series, a series designed for healing, building, and equipping the body of Christ while making disciples. Daisies represent new life, purity, and innocence, all of which we are when we are reborn in Christ.