The Process of Legal Research
This outstanding paperback earned its position s the leading legal research text by engaging students in the actual process, step by step. Experience legal research allows students to reach a complete understanding of this vital process-learning not just what to do, but how to and why. Keeping pace with both the law and developing information technology, this new edition offers excellent coverage of the Internet, and offers alternatives to paper media, such as online and CD-ROM research. The Fourth Edition also offers: a standardized chapter structure helps students focus on key concepts, and reviews; What is the source? What else do I need to know about this source? How do I cite this source? an excellent in text case study that covers all major research sources, including administrative Law new problem sets efficient new page design a comprehensive Instructor' manual with sample lesson plans and answers to all problem sets. The book's 12 chapters build form introductory material to specifics, teaching students to: Identify Research Terms Assess Media Options Locate, Read, and Update Secondary Spruces Formulate Issues Locate, Read, and Update Primary Authority: Case Law, Statutes and Rules of Procedure and Ethics Incorporate Nonlegal Materials Develop an Integrated Research Strategy