Surviving the War for Talent in Asia
Find and Keep the Outstanding Leaders You Need to Win in Asia! Specific solutions for recruiting and retaining great people in North Asia, South Asia, Australia, and New Zealand Seven new case studies, plus in-depth insight into IBM’s experience For every CxO, director, manager, HR leader, strategist, or consultant working with or for companies in Asia Right now, even as Western economies struggle, Asia is experiencing an unprecedented war for talent. Organizations are competing ever more aggressively to find the right people, motivate them, and retain their highest performers. There’s only one route to success in today’s Asian talent wars: innovation. In this book, one of IBM’s top Asia Pacific managers identifies powerful talent management innovations that are working in Asia right now for dozens of the region’s most forward-looking enterprises. Christina SS Ooi begins by revealing why Asian talent shortages are even worse than they appear. Next, she presents breakthrough solutions from industries ranging from IT to hospitality, manufacturing to telecommunications. Learn how winning companies are recruiting more effectively through partnerships and word-of-mouth...bringing innovation to onboarding and training...understanding the changing needs and diverse lifestyles of today’s Asian employees...shaping corporate culture and engaging their employees...developing great leaders and keeping them.