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The publication of the seventh edition of Salem Press' bestselling Magill's Medical Guide continues the tradition of providing reference content in both printed and online form as a single product. Covers diseases, disorders, treatments, procedures, specialties, anatomy, biology, and issues in an A-Z format, with sidebars addressing recent developments in medicine and concise information boxes for all diseases and disorders. Now in its seventh edition, Magill's Medical Guide contains 1,200 entries in five volumes. Many essay topics are completely new to this edition, and all entries from the previous edition have been evaluated and updated by a panel of Medical Editors to ensure their currency and accuracy, as needed. All cross-references to other relevant entries in Magill's Medical Guide have been revised. Every bibliography has been updated with the latest editions and sources, including Web sites for relevant organizations. All appendixes from the previous edition have been updated and checked for accuracy, and the "Medical Journals" list has been expanded to include standard title abbreviations, now serving as a key for users.