The Orbit Method in Geometry and Physics
The orbit method influenced the development of several areas of mathematics in the second half of the 20th century and remains a useful and powerful tool in such areas as Lie theory, representation theory, integrable systems, complex geometry, and mathematical physics. Among the distinguished names associated with the orbit method is that of A.A. Kirillov, whose pioneering paper on nilpotent orbits (1962), places him as the founder of orbit theory. The original research papers in this volume are written by prominent mathematicians and reflect recent achievements in orbit theory and other closely related areas such as harmonic analysis, classical representation theory, Lie superalgebras, Poisson geometry, and quantization. Contributors: A. Alekseev, J. Alev, V. Baranovksy, R. Brylinski, J. Dixmier, S. Evens, D.R. Farkas, V. Ginzburg, V. Gorbounov, P. Grozman, E. Gutkin, A. Joseph, D. Kazhdan, A.A. Kirillov, B. Kostant, D. Leites, F. Malikov, A. Melnikov, P.W. Michor, Y.A. Neretin, A. Okounkov, G. Olshanski, F. Petrov, A. Polishchuk, W. Rossmann, A. Sergeev, V. Schechtman, I. Shchepochkina. The work will be an invaluable reference for researchers in the above mentioned fields, as well as a useful text for graduate seminars and courses.