Gender and Crime
This text provides a much-needed, comprehensive critical introduction to debates about the relationship between gender and crime. Bringing together both feminist and masculinist perspectives, the book is a 'one stop shop' for gaining knowledge and understanding of the field of gender and crime as a whole. In addition to offering an overview of key themes and issues, Silvestri and Crowther-Dowey breathe new life into existing and well-rehearsed debates by considering the usefulness of drawing on a human rights discourse for making sense of gender, crime and criminal justice. In re-thinking the experiences of women and men as offenders, victims and criminal justice professionals within a human rights framework, the authors encourage a fresh approach to traditional debates about gender and crime. The book integrates empirical, theoretical and policy-related materials in order to encourage a thorough understanding of the field. Complex ideas and debates are grounded with reference to real life examples. The learning process is supported through the use of chapter overviews, key terms, study questions and suggestions for further reading. Gender and Crime is essential reading for students and academics in criminology, sociology, social policy and gender studies. The Key Approaches to Criminology series celebrates the removal of traditional barriers between disciplines and, specifically, reflects criminology’s interdisciplinary nature and focus. It brings together some of the leading scholars working at the intersections of criminology and related subjects. Each book in the series helps readers to make intellectual connections between criminology and other discourses, and to understand the importance of studying crime and criminal justice within the context of broader debates. The series is intended to have appeal across the entire range of undergraduate and postgraduate studies and beyond, comprising books which offer introductions to the fields as well as advancing ideas and knowledge in their subject areas.