Space Elevator - QUANTUMVATOR
This is a story about a set of twin brothers - one called Troy, the other nicknamed Brainy -who is a natural scientist - almost born to be a scientist, but not quite because he conducted his first scientific, airborne experiment while sitting in his high-chair using his cooked garden-peas soaked in gravy. After graduating out of his high-chair, he becomes really interested in quantum mechanics when in the ninth-grade he builds himself a quantum elevator which doesn't just go up or down, or even just in all the four directions, but can actually leave this Fourth Dimension and enter the Fifth Dimension. And the brothers have a good reason to leave their nation since they notice it has been slipping nearer and nearer the abyss of a "1984" tyrannical culture due to the U.K. Government's two national Lockdowns and extreme measures for their policies to fight the Corona virus called Covid-19, or Sars-Cov-2. Join Brainy as he launches into space and attempts to reach half-the-speed-of-light travel where the laws of relativity mean his time passes two-thirds slower than his brother's time, who remains, for now, on Earth; thus, experiencing the phenomenon of the twin-paradox. In other words, when Brainy's journey has been just ten years in his ship, for Troy on Earth, it's been twenty-five years, and so their once ten minute gap between them has expanded greatly into a twenty-five year age gap; which creates some interesting scenarios, not least for their class-mates as well as their parents. Yet, a real adventure transpires when in reaching Brainy's goal of travelling at half-the-speed-of-light, it means his time is dilated or becomes really slow on board his starcraft while his brother's time has passed twenty-five years, which for Brainy was just ten years - see what happens when the time-travel Twin paradox becomes reality. Join Brainy, the older of the twins who has an intuition for quantum physics and his younger, brother, Troy, who is much less keen to venture even on the roof of their garden shed, let alone into space at half the speed of light. Join the brothers - or maybe one brother on a journey and an adventure of a lifetime.