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Chris Briscoe
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Inside This Book is the Most Exciting News For Your Life
Inside This Book is the Most Exciting News For Your Life
The Author of this book, Chris Briscoe, wrote this to help us all come closer to answering that great mystery, "Is there a God?" Chris invites us to approach this problem from a different angle. For example, when scientists discovered six billion chemical-codes written on our double-threads of DNA (the double-helix- "double- spiral staircase") - it forces us to ask the question, "How could nature have written all that code when nature does not have a mind - it does not have real intelligence but works according to commands, so how could nature have written all that code or even inspired itself to write the code; which our bodies need to build the trillions of molecular machinery our bodies need, let alone which the first supposed cell needed when it arrived here on the earth. Scientists, engineers and architects today acknowledge that those molecular machines are actually the epitome of perfectly design and function; therefore, they are the strongest evidence that there must be a most intelligent mind and molecular scientist behind nature to have been inspired and designed every organism. Chris' premise is that when we look into the world of the cell and even the most "rudimentary" organism, it reveals a level of design element and complexity which could not have possibily originated in nature, alone. In other words, there must be a mind behind nature, the most intelligent molecular mind, just as there has to be a programmer behind computer program made. (Book's Index: Christian Apologetics)
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Your Greatest Comfort
Your Greatest Comfort
About The Author Chris Briscoe wrote this book as he has a deep passion and longing to explain in simple steps the exciting and liberating journey of faith, and the wonderful experience of the God's Holy Spirit - so all people can grasp practically the knowledge of the work and redeeming power of the Holy Spirit.
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Space Elevator - QUANTUMVATOR
Space Elevator - QUANTUMVATOR
This is a story about a set of twin brothers - one called Troy, the other nicknamed Brainy -who is a natural scientist - almost born to be a scientist, but not quite because he conducted his first scientific, airborne experiment while sitting in his high-chair using his cooked garden-peas soaked in gravy. After graduating out of his high-chair, he becomes really interested in quantum mechanics when in the ninth-grade he builds himself a quantum elevator which doesn't just go up or down, or even just in all the four directions, but can actually leave this Fourth Dimension and enter the Fifth Dimension. And the brothers have a good reason to leave their nation since they notice it has been slipping nearer and nearer the abyss of a "1984" tyrannical culture due to the U.K. Government's two national Lockdowns and extreme measures for their policies to fight the Corona virus called Covid-19, or Sars-Cov-2. Join Brainy as he launches into space and attempts to reach half-the-speed-of-light travel where the laws of relativity mean his time passes two-thirds slower than his brother's time, who remains, for now, on Earth; thus, experiencing the phenomenon of the twin-paradox. In other words, when Brainy's journey has been just ten years in his ship, for Troy on Earth, it's been twenty-five years, and so their once ten minute gap between them has expanded greatly into a twenty-five year age gap; which creates some interesting scenarios, not least for their class-mates as well as their parents. Yet, a real adventure transpires when in reaching Brainy's goal of travelling at half-the-speed-of-light, it means his time is dilated or becomes really slow on board his starcraft while his brother's time has passed twenty-five years, which for Brainy was just ten years - see what happens when the time-travel Twin paradox becomes reality. Join Brainy, the older of the twins who has an intuition for quantum physics and his younger, brother, Troy, who is much less keen to venture even on the roof of their garden shed, let alone into space at half the speed of light. Join the brothers - or maybe one brother on a journey and an adventure of a lifetime.
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Your Greatest Remedy
Your Greatest Remedy
The Author, Chris Briscoe, wrote this for those who struggle with the question, "Is there really a God?" This book is written to people who are genuinely seeking a discussion so there is an E-mail address at the back who want to enter into such a debate. So this book invites people who are seeking to know and want to have a discussion, not just to be preached to.
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Your Greatest Comforter
Your Greatest Comforter
​The author, Chris Briscoe, wrote this book out of his passion to encourage those who are wanting to experience God's very real presence and power. In this book, the author takes you on a journey which needs to be experienced to be believed. This series is about how to experience God's practical help and very real presence which will prove to be your greatest comfort for your life. But the proof will be only in the eating; some reading this may be skeptical of what the author is claiming about God - even among believers there will be those who are skeptical of the practical application and results of his daily empowering by the Holy Spirit- that's why God has extended to everyone the invitation to, "Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed are all those who takes refuge in him."
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You Will Have These Amazing Results When You Choose Thankfulness
You Will Have These Amazing Results When You Choose Thankfulness
The Author, Chris Briscoe, wrote this book to first ease your mind and spirit - to transform you into someone who gives thanks more than complains. This book is also written as an Apologetic work to transform you into a person of greatness because God's Spirit and Mind lives in you when you decide to follow him. Either way, this book will DO YOU A WORLD OF GOOD!
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Your Greatest Comfort
Your Greatest Comfort
About The Author Chris Briscoe wrote this book as he has a deep passion and longing to explain in simple steps the exciting and liberating journey of faith, and the wonderful experience of the God's Holy Spirit - so all people can grasp practically the knowledge of the work and redeeming power of the Holy Spirit.
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What Can I Enjoy as a Christian
What Can I Enjoy as a Christian
The Author, Chris Briscoe, wrote this book in response to not finding any book on the market which shows the practical steps to becoming a Christian - in other words, how to become a Christian and how to continue pleasing God; for example, how to pray to invite Jesus into our heart, how to pray when we are suffering, how to receive the peace of God that the Holy Spirit gives us. Thus, this is also a pioneering work in that it also presents all the many benefits a Christian can experience and enjoy; there are four chapters and three of them are devoted to explaining - with Bible Scriptural support - all the many benefits Christians have with Jesus Christ living in their spirit. For example, the first major benefit is forgiveness where we can feel his love, healing and power in our emotions and spirit - quelling and dissolving our anger and hate, and healing our hurts through what Jesus accomplished on the cross of Calvary; because at the cross, all that stands in our way to live the most fulfilled life, free from negativity, has been broken.
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