Creative Writing Prompt Journal
We have created this journal just for you. Our goal is to stimulate your mind with scenes and stories. As the journal progresses, you will grow your confidence in the ability to say what you mean succinctly, with a minimum amount of words. It is good to be descriptive, but too descriptive will only make for a good night-time book that will put you to sleep. Each prompt is an opportunity to develop your writing through word-play and dialogue. As you continue to grow through your journal, you will be amazed, as you say, "I wrote that!" This is the first in a series of writing journal volumes for you to enjoy and continue to develop your creativity, writing craft, and confidence,How to Use this Prompt JournalThere are many possibilities for how one might use a journal. This volume includes a wide variety of writing prompts. We encourage you to consider using them as a gentle encouragement to write brief entries. Suggestions for planning your time or strategies that may resonate with or inspire you, or simply better fit your needs:* Schedule? Maybe you like routine or maybe you are more free-spirited. There are no rules. This is your journal. Your choice. What will work best for you>Writing* Every day* * Two or three times a week, and/or * At a specific time of the day.Strategies? You may: * Sequentially proceed through the journal and compelling each entry. * Alternatively, you may choose to skip over items that seem too challenging at the time. * And, at a later time, return to items you may have omitted. A journal provides much freedom for you. In general, you the writer are the only one who will read your journal. There are no right or wrong answers. Just many opportunities to explore writing. We provide this journal with the hope that you will enjoy the wonders of writing.