Case Studies : Insights on Agriculture Innovation 2017 (IAAS Series)
|Foreword| The annual International Agriculture Innovation Conference (IAIC) series started in October 2016 as an assembly platform for leading researchers, educators, and developers to present, discuss, and examine various challenging issues relating to agricultural production and innovation. In January 2018, the International Association for Agricultural Sustainability (IAAS) took IAIC under its wing with expectations that IAIC expands its influence by inviting more agriculture-related professionals to participate in conferences. I sincerely welcome you to join our conference and to share your ideas on agriculture sustainability with us. First, I would like to thank the 2017 conference participants who successfully helped us create the IAIC. The IAIC 2017 would not have been successful without their support and cooperation. Next, I especially appreciate the assistance and support from the IAIC 2017 conference sponsors — Hug Nimman Hotel, Chiang Mei. Last but not least, the keynote speakers of IAIC 2017. This book would not have been published without their efforts and contributions. In order to improve current agricultural circumstances and attain environmental sustainability, agriculture innovation has become the primary strategy nowadays toward achieving these goals. The concept of adapting agricultural innovation to every phase of agricultural production and management is the foundation for this book. This is the sequel of book Case Studies: Insights On Agriculture Innovation 2016 which collects information on various agricultural innovation ideas and technologies that have been applied or are being developed for agricultural operations and management in different countries. I believe this book will provide you with new and inspiring ideas about the future of agriculture development, and illustrate how innovations in methods and techniques influence agriculture production, environmental sustainability, and the quality of people’s lives around the world.(Dr. Cheng-I Wei, Chairman of IAAS) |Contents| Foreword Preface Introduction of Authors About IAAS Chapter 01.Agricultural Innovation for Profitability and Environmental Sustainability.Cheng-I Wei / Alfreda Wei Chapter 02.Time-Orientation in Sustainable Development of Agriculture versus the UN Sustainable Development Goals.Göran Svensson / Carmen Padin Fabeiro Chapter 03.Sustainable and Nutritional Benefits of Edible Insect Production and Distribution as a Meat or Protein Substitute.Miranda Mirosa / John Birch / Claudia Clarkson Chapter 04.The Challenges of Agricultural Innovation and Climate Change Adaptation in Developing Country.Nirote Sinnarong / Olalekan Israel Aiikulola Chapter 05.Technological Convergence and Entrepreneurial Opportunities.Tan Wee Liang Chapter 06.The Conceptual of Decision Support System for Halal Supply Chain Innovation.Rika Ampuh Hadiguna Chapter 07.Innovative Practices for Sustainable Agriculture in a Global Environment.Pamela Rae Becker Chapter 08.Risk Management - Applying Systematic Risk Management Methodology into Wild Berry Based Business.Pekka Kess Chapter 09.Key Trends in Indian Agriculture.Kothandapani Ganesh Chapter 10.New Internet Marketing Strategy: the Application of the CCB Model.Tzong-Ru Lee / Chun-Yu Chien