Diagnosing Plant Diseases Caused by Nematodes
Use this new book to simplify diagnosis of nematode problems and identify plant-parasitic nematodes. With its descriptive key and detailed drawings, Diagnosing Plant Diseases Caused by Nematodes assists readers in differentiating plant-parasitic nematodes from free-living (microbivorous) nematodes found commonly in the soil around plant roots and within symptomatic plant tissue. This book features an extensive glossary of nematological and related terms, an appendix covering the five genera of nematodes and their 46 species presently implicated in transmitting plant viruses, and an index which makes it possible to locate drawings of one or more representatives of a particular genus and a description of the general characteristics of the genus. Agronomy, forestry, and horticulture specialists will find this reference book helpful for improving their diagnostic skills in the field, laboratories, and plant clinics.