American Voices of Conscience, Post-9/11 is an anthology of letters, op-eds, speeches and short essays drawn from a broad spectrum of Americans, which eloquently expresses their outrage, betrayal and frustration over the corrupt and misguided actions and policies of the Bush/Cheney administration since the tragedies of 9/11. Within its pages, you?ll find stirring monologues, passionate rants, laser-guided satire, and proposals for sane, nonviolent solutions to our problems. From soldiers to seniors, from Zen monks to Christian ministers, from librarians to libertarians, these are the true patriots - those who really care what is happening to our society and have had the courage to speak out against dishonesty and deception in our cherished institutions. With the publication of Outcry: American Voices of Conscience, Post-9/11, we hope to weave these myriad voices into a chorus of reason and compassion. For they are the voices of conscience, unintimidated by the dissonance of militarism, corporate greed, and the blind, uncritical acceptance of flag-waving propaganda.