American Social Insects
Preface: This book concerns the lives of those insects that live in colonies and whose activities center about the queen tended by her six-footed subjects. Included also are the various insects that are parasites and associates of our principal subjects, the bees, ants, wasps, and termites, as well as those that shed light on the origin and evolution of the colonial habits of these insects. We do not intend that this book should be considered a contribution to science; we hope rather that it will be an introduction to the behavior of social insects that will prove interesting to many and perhaps stimulate a few to learn more about these faxcinating creatures. Any of the groups of social insects would provide a worthwhile lifetime project for anyone wishing to enjoy an interesting study and at the same time make a valuable contribution to knowledge. It is scarcely necessary to point out that such a study might also serve a practical purpose, for many social insects are of great importance to man-we need mention only the pollination and nectar gathering of bees, the dissemination of pestiferous insects by ants, and the destruction of property by termites. We wish to thank the many persons who have provided us with photographic illustrations. Their names are mentioned elsewhere, but the time and trouble required for each photograph can scarcely be acknowledged. We wish also to mention those who stimulated us to write this book, the late Clyde Fisher and Dr. Mon A. Cazier.--Mary H. Michener, Charles D. Minchener--Lawrence, Kansas.