Economics and Politics
Charles K. Rowley is one of the prominent public choice theorists alive today and is Editor of the journal, "Public Choice". This book, which should prove to be the essential guide to the field for years to come is intended as a textbook for students of both political science and economics. The text begins with an analysis of the origins of political philosophy as identified in the work of Hobbes, Locke, Condorcet and Dodgson, before moving on to explore the influence of the modern day public choice theorists - Tullock, Buchanan and Olson among them. The heart of the book is devoted to the key topics which any student of public choice needs to be familiar with - rent-seeking, voting, bureaucracy and the influence of the judiciary - all from a comparative perspective with different countries' political systems place dunder the microscope. Written in non-technical language which should suit students across a range of disciplines, the book then steps outside the developed world to apply economics tools to topics such as state failure and terrorism.