Generalist Social Work Practice
Generalist Social Work Practice, Twelfth Edition, presents the knowledge, values, and skills needed for entry-level social work practice with individuals, groups, families, organizations, and communities. This comprehensive and celebrated text describes a variety of approaches to social work practice including assessment, intervention, and evaluation. Learning objectives and chapter summaries reinforce key concepts, while skill-building exercises incorporated throughout each chapter give students the opportunity to apply what they've learned. A range of case example broadens students' sense of cultural diversity. The twelfth edition of this classic text provides the theoretical and practical knowledge needed for students to become change agents. New to This Edition Coverage of self-care and mindfulness encourages student to develop skills that contribute to resilience and prevent burnout, Exploration of issues involving technology such as social media and ethics and telehealth, Information on working with clients who face substance use and abuse highlights an important ongoing social issue, New chapter, "Transitions and Ending in Social Work Practice," explores termination and emphasizes the importance of transitions in social work, Increased focus on evidence-based practices throughout the text. Visit for instructor resources. Book jacket.