Crossing the Line
With Crossing The Line: A Model for Domestic Violence Therapy, Charles Frazier reveals his extraordinarily powerful, proven model for working with domestic violence clients: both offenders and victims to achieve authentic healing and growth. Bravely tackling the factors causing intimate partner abuse and exposing the trauma that often precludes the violence, Frazier uncovers the reality that therapeutic intervention has a place domestic violence intervention.Crossing The Line provides the practitioner with practical, proven alternatives to the previous approaches to DV services, removing judgment and stigma from the counseling, healing journey. This eliminates defensiveness, blame, and disgrace so that genuine, lasting growth can take place in a safe environment. Without minimizing the seriousness of the offense or excusing the offender's abusive behavior, Crossing The Line gives the practitioner an entirely new method of guiding clients through their own personal traumas, the reasons they make destructive choices, the consequences of those choices, and finally envisioning, planning and implementing decisions and actions that can rebuild their lives around healthy, positive opportunities.Yes, it all takes work, both on the part of the client and the practitioner. But it¿s worth it! Lives and families are healed through the methods practiced for years by Charles Frazier and his colleagues at Radiance Innovative Services. Here, they share all they¿ve learned through decades of experience and wisdom. In Crossing The Line you¿ll identify what works best for you in your practice, and perhaps in your everyday life.