The Everything Large-Print Crossword Dictionary
Even the best crossword puzzlers need a little help sometimes. And if you prefer your puzzles in large print, here's a crossword dictionary you don't need a magnifying glass to read! This easy-to-read dictionary is your ultimate resource for those tricky crossword dilemmas. It's packed to the brim with more than 60,000 answer words compiled by puzzlemaster Charles Timmerman. Featuring a range of entries, including: Contradict 4 deny 5 belie, rebut 6 negate, refute Cow chow 3 hay 4 feed 5 grass Football official 3 ref 8 linesman Nervous 4 edgy 5 goosy, tense 6 onedge, uneasy 9 illatease Literary governess 4 eyre Peeved 4 ired, sore 5 angry, cross 6 inapet 8 upinarms Remove 4 dele, doff, oust 5 erase, evict 8 takeaway Shakespearean forest 5 arden You won't miss a word--from the common to the complex--with The Everything Large-Print Crossword Dictionary. It's the perfect large-print crossword companion.