Book of Abstracts. Workshop on Simulation and Optimization for Sustainable Engineering
The Workshop on Simulation and Optimization for Sustainable Engineering is held in Santander (September 28th-29th) on the occasion of the visit of Prof. Ignacio Grossmann to the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering of the Universidad de Cantabria in the framework of the Fulbright U.S. Specialist Program. This workshop is organized in collaboration with AQUIQÁN, the Association of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Cantabria, with the aims of serving both as a forum of discussion of the recent advances in the topic and a meeting point of the closest collaborators of Prof. Grossmann in Spain over the last years. Overall, 30 researchers will take part in this event coming from several universities (Alicante, Cantabria, Rovira i Virgili, Salamanca, Sevilla, and Valladolid) and the IMDEA Materials Institute. The program includes a plenary lecture imparted by Prof. Grossmann, one keynote presentation representative of each institution and around 15 oral presentations from young researchers.