In Sobornost, the Russian word for "unity," you'll learn how your heart can be softened and opened to the transforming reality of the Holy Trinity dwelling within you. Catherine guides us along the pathway that takes us home, to God's house, into the grace intimacy of eternal belonging; to a place that is hard to get to, yet one that lives within and beyond the ever-present confusion, fear and loneliness of our daily existence. She takes us by the hand, becomes our companion on the ultimate journey--into an experience of the mysterious depths of intimacy in, through, and with God. Here we rediscover the final unity in the wellspring of compassion that flows from divine Persons, one in love, a union of Lover, Beloved, and Love --Father, Son and Spirit. The unselfish life is reclaimed, one that discovers abundant life with God and thus within the soul, within nature, within interpersonal relations, within the cosmos. "Sparks' fly from the pages, igniting a response in the heart of one open to the charism of such a spiritual person as the author. An inspirational spiritual work much needed today." Father George Maloney, "It is a very satisfying experience to read any of Catherine's books, and this is her best." - Our Sunday Visitor