Story & Style
Precept upon precept, line upon line... Isaiah 28:10 Storytelling is a gift, but the craft of writing creative fiction can be learned. It's a matter of knowing the tools and how to use them. In Story & Style, all the basics of the craft are discussed in a friendly, conversational manner and layman's terms. Indexed for easy reference with wide outside margins for personal notes, this handy book is a virtual toolbox for writers, filled with a smorgasbord of writing elements like hook, point of view, dialogue, characterization, active vs. passive, and more! Can you hook an agent or editor or reader? Do you head-hop or stay in point of view? What about those character arcs? Is your dialogue smooth and natural, or grammatically perfect, but stilted? Why aren't you packing in those five-star reviews-when you can get one? Whether you've written and published multiple novels or just starting your first one, Story & Style serves to improve your craft.