God as a Gardener: Exploring Plants in Bible Parables
Despite differences between God and ourselves, God yearns to communicate with us. In scores of Old and New Testament parables, God used plants to illustrate his nature, spiritual truths about his kingdom, and how he wants us to live. Yet, interpreting Bible parables illustrated by plants isn't easy. Twenty-first century society is far removed from the Bible's original audience. Because westernized individuals live in an industrial and technology-driven society, often contact with plants grown for food is second- or third-hand at best. We don't have an aha moment where we understand a parable by its comparison to a plant, e.g., a fig tree. God as a Gardener encompasses 24 parables illustrated by plants, 12 from the Old Testament and 12 from the New Testament. This Bible study is written for the average church member who wants to understand the message in parables, but, at the same time desires a Bible study with a unique perspective. The book meets both of these requirements. Further, each chapter contains a colored photograph of an original water-colored illustration of the parable's plant(s). Carolyn Roth is an award-winning biblical gardener and celebrated author of a book on plants of the Bible. I cannot think of a better person to be writing a book that is sure to capture the interest of millions of Christians who want to learn more about the Bible. Dr. Gerald R. McDermott, Anglican Chair of Divinity, Beeson Divinity School. The private and small-group devotional value of this volume is limitless, life-changing, and God-exalting. Dr. Ed Bez, President, Biblical Botanical Gardens Society, Atlanta, Georgia"