Cracking Neurosurgical Oncology Vignettes
NeuroOncology is a fascinating subspecialization in Neurosurgery. Much research is being conducted worldwide trying to understand more about cancer. While we have improved much in our delivery of care, our patients still often succumb to the cancer. As a neurosurgery resident, I have had the privilege of working with the masters in this field and I have had the pleasure of learning about the lives of many patients both pre-operatively and post-operatively. They each seem to have such strong stories to tell and I sit there listening in awe. Thus, we decided to document all the cases we have encountered in residency, noting certain aspects of each case we felt were critical toward attempting to treat them. And so we ended up authoring this text with the goal of simplifying the immense data in NeuroOncology so that the student and junior residents may have a text to use that would guide them in treating various pathology.