My Testimony - Large Print Edition
Patience - A willingness to wait for and listen to the voice of God in every one of life's circumstances.Obedience - Making a conscious decision to trust and embrace God's directives and operate in your pre-destined calling.Peace - The sensation your spirit has when you have patiently waited for and obeyed the leading of the Holy Spirit in your life."My Testimony: P.O.P. - Patience, Obedience, and Peace" was written for this season in your life when you may be struggling with overcoming obstacles. On the pages of this book, you will learn how Author Carolyn Gregory built her relationship with God even in the midst of being affected by betrayal, infidelity, mental illness, depression, and so much more. You will observe how the Holy Spirit provided her guidance as her faith continued to increase with each difficulty presented. With the assurance that her words would help save many lives and draw them into the sheepfold of Christ, Carolyn brings forth her testimony with transparency-no holds barred.Carolyn states: "My heart's desire is to have at least one person say, 'God, I see what happened in her life and how You fixed it for her. I know that You can do that for me. I surrender and give myself to You, Lord'."Grateful for the wisdom imparted on her, Carolyn's words of encouragement are sure to speak to your spirit from a place of genuine love for ALL of God's children.