Solutions 2
In Solutions 2, sequel to Alphabetic Solutions, Dr. Carolyn LaDelle Bennett again reflects on principles beyond me and mine, behavior and language (unbecoming and becoming), and violence and nonviolence as major contributors to brokenness, where seriously thought-out, constructive changes would heal our brokenness; mend fundamental relations among human beings, among people, among nations, and among varieties of being; and restore wholeness to the societylocal to global. The author considers the great harm that issues from a prevailing political and social environment of counterfeit values, pretense, preaching, propaganda, a pattern of broken promises, and a cult of pandering politics normalized as the best we can do. The author laments the dangerous loss of trust domestically and internationally and seeks substantive solutions for the common good. The changes posited by the author focus on the basics: principles of fairness, evenhandedness, honesty, and competence in news press and governance; sharing as equals among equals and not as superiors to inferiors in condescending charity, alms, and often abuse of obliged and entitled betters to lessers; accuracy in language, civility, integrity, humility, honesty, respectfulness in discourse online and offline, inside and outside public office; impartiality in law; and nonviolence in policy, speech, and actions. Bennett shines daylight on a dark side of US politics and posits new light that transcends barriers and boorishness and builds bridges forward. Between the tough issues, she invites readers to join her in bird-watching. The books center section contains the authors wildlife photography.