Textbook Basic Nursing Workbook 12
Ensure a mastery of the concepts, skills, and procedures in Rodahl's Textbook of Basic Nursing, 12th Edition, with this engaging Workbook. Updated to reflect the latest practices and approaches presented in the text, each chapter gives students critical review and practice in three sections. Assessing Your Understanding helps students identify knowledge gaps in textbook content through a variety of review question formats and delivers specific remediation for further study. Applying Your Knowledge challenges students to think critically and apply textbook concepts to realistic case studies. Practicing for NCLEX® boosts students' exam confidence with multiple-choice and scenario-based NCLEX-PN®-style review questions based on the latest NCLEX-PN test plan. Ensure a mastery of essential nursing skills and equip students for success throughout the nursing education continuum with the complete Rosdahl's Textbook of Basic Nursing, 12th Edition, solution (available for separate purchase): Rosdahl's Textbook of Basic Nursing, 12th Edition Workbook for Rosdahl's Textbook of Basic Nursing, 12th Edition