Entwining Circles
Ishta was on her last journey through life, as mortals know it to be. Her soul would no longer be required to be sent back to earths light. Her Karma was paid in full, her reincarnation complete. Almost. The year is now.The wheels have been set in motion. Complete annihilation of all: man, myth, and magic, was beginning. The coming of the most unknown but feared entity was gaining strength and power. With the world turning into complete chaos and anarchy, hate, greed, a total disrespect for all, and an absolute lack of belief and faith in what people could not see. Inner spirituality, self-worth, and trust in the truths set by those much wiser had all but vanished in the mists. This fed the beast endlessly, making him more supreme, his ability to influence near unstoppable. Man wore blinders, oblivious and uncaring to all that surrounded him. One by one, mans ability to imagine, believe, and love began to disappear. His tolerance of what he could not control turned to hate. A legacy had been born in the ancient manuscripts of time thousands of years before. They foretold of a woman born to the earths light. This woman, if she succeeded, would save the inhabitants of all from extinction. Even those that most thought were figments of the imagination. She must fight for the good of all. Her blood would be the price, of which Ishta was all too willing to give. It is what it is. Hyetym, her immortal childhood friend and blood brother from many lives, would help guide her through the events of the scriptures. For as it is written, so shall it be. Like following a recipe. If it is followed correctly, with little or no deviation, the outcome benefits all. Ishta is to follow the ancient writings. Many have waited for her beyond centuries. Her task must be complete before any can move forward. A stagnant death is all that awaits them if she fails. Ishta must lead a double life. One in our present Earth, the other in worlds that run parallel with ours, accessing them through portals. Unbeknownst to her, but not to Hyetym, an immortal man has waited for her tirelessly. Kemp. He has loved her since time began. He has watched her be reborn several times, waiting for her to reach her final life. Ishta has only sensed that her beloved exists elsewhere. Obviously, not of this world. Hyetym has waited for their circles to entwine.