Key Considerations When Measuring Teacher Effectiveness
Researchers recommend that policymakers use data from multiple sources when making decisions that have high-stakes consequences (Herman, Baker, & Linn, 2004; Linn, 2007; Stone & Lane, 2003). For this reason, a fair but rigorous teacher-effectiveness rating process relies on evidence collected from different sources (Goe, Bell, & Little, 2008; Center for Educator Compensation Reform [CECR], 2009; Domaleski & Hill, 2010; Economic Policy Institute [EPI], 2010; Little, 2009; Mathers, Oliva, & Laine, 2008; National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality [NCCTQ], 2010a; Steele, Hamilton, & Stecher, 2010). Yet policymakers must take into account that (a) certain types of information are more trustworthy than others for the purposes of measuring teacher effectiveness and (b) the availability of technically sound data varies across content areas, grade ranges, states, districts, and schools. This report is intended to highlight the range of data sources that can be tapped to validate teacher effectiveness. Section I describes broad considerations to support identification of those sources of information most appropriate for a specific purpose or context. Section II highlights the strengths and limitations of different types of information about teacher effectiveness, beginning with sources of Level 1 data and proceeding through typical sources of data at Levels 2 and 3. Section III offers a set of final recommendations about effective data use when measuring teacher effectiveness. State and local decision-makers are encouraged to consider all of the data options presented--and weigh possible tradeoffs associated with their use--when determining which "combination" of sources is most likely to yield the information that best meets their needs. A glossary is included. (Contains 4 tables.) [For the companion document, "Measuring Teacher Effectiveness: An Overview of State Policies and Practices Related to Pre-K-12 Teacher Effectiveness or Teacher Evaluation," see ED524220.].