Racing the Ice to Cape Horn
Frank Guernsey lived through this tale of his record- setting 128-day nonstop journey, sailing single-handed from Southern California around Cape Horn to Uruguay in an engineless sailboat, only 24 feet long. Cy Zoerner put this harrowing adventure into words as no other author could. As Frank revealed the story, Cy began to wonder, as would we all, what could drive a man to commit to an outrageously dangerous undertaking in such a small craft. After endless hours discussing life and love with Frank, Cy understood and a story, like no other, poured forth.This will be the best sailing adventure you will ever read and quite possibly the best book you will read for years to come. The greatest fiction can not match the adventures and life of Frank Guernsey".Humans!" The handle of my precious watermaker stopped in my hands. My eyes strained at the black speck on the gray, watery horizon. The misery from the open saltwater sores I sat on, winked out. As I switched on my video recorder, my only companion since I set sail, I repeated, "Humans? After all these months alone..". I glanced at my watch. It was January 2, 10 a.m.