Professional Issues in Nursing
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Professional Issues in Nursing: Challenges and Opportunities, 5th Edition Carol J. Huston, RN, MSN, MPA, DPA, FAAN Prepare for the realities of today’s nursing practice. Gain a professional edge in the nursing workplace with expert insight across a variety of contemporary and enduring issues you’ll encounter on the job. Comprehensively updated and reflecting the latest evidence-based perspectives, Professional Issues in Nursing: Challenges and Opportunities, 5th Edition, prepares you to confidently manage timely workplace considerations, workforce issues, legal and ethical concerns, nursing education challenges, and issues related to professional power and furthering the nursing profession. New! Chapters on healthcare reform and the ethical issues associated with emerging technologies equip you for today’s ever-changing nursing practice. Updated! Workplace Violence chapter helps you ensure civility and a healthy workplace environment. Updated! Cutting-edge content throughout the text familiarizes you with emerging trends in healthcare and nursing education. New! Full-color design makes challenging content approachable and engaging. Discussion Points encourage critical reflection for individual study or group discussions. Consider This features challenge you to form your own assessments of important practice considerations. Research Fuels the Controversy profiles reinforce your analytical capabilities with current, evidence-based research. Conclusions focus your retention on the most important chapter content. For Additional Discussion topics facilitate valuable group review opportunities.